Friday, May 21, 2010

Milk soup or "zupa mleczna"

A few days ago I had a dream about making milk soup, or "zupa mleczna". In my dream, I used cannelloni, which is completely inappropriate, and accidently put paprika in it. I have no idea what my sub-conscious was trying to to tell me (perhaps that strange things are happening in my life), but I decided to make milk soup for breakfast nevertheless


Half a mug of bulghur - cracked wheat
1 litre milk
2 tablespoons sugar
1 teaspoon salt
30 grams butter

There are many different types of milk soup and all have the same basic ingredients - milk, sugar, salt, butter. What's inside is interchangeable. You can use pasta - the smaller the shapes the better, therefore cannelloni would look freakish in this dish. You may use rice, or various different types of wheat. I used "kasza iglana", I have not been able to find an exact translation online, but I believe that it's bulghur, or cracked wheat

You cook the wheat according to packet instructions (usually about 10 minutes once the water is boiling). When it is ready, you add the other ingredients, and bring it all back to the boil. Then turn the heat down and simmer for a further 10 minutes or so. It's a delicious, warm, soothing breakfast. I am loving anything white at the moment - I have painted my room, and am finding some kind of peace and clarity in it. Perhaps that's another reason why I am slightly obsessed with milk soups at the moment