Thursday, May 29, 2008

its official.

Oh my oh my. So many discoveries this week. Lets start with the most exciting...

Yes, summer can officially begin now that the best treat in town is available to all. The line was already extremely long but we loves us a snowcone with cream.

My next discovery is that I am officially not the biggest baby in the world. I thought I was until I stepped out of my comfort zone and climbed a mountain. Yes, a mountain. I know many of you are shocked by my sudden "outdoorsie-ness" (I just made that up) but it was actually pretty fun. And pretty terrifying. The wind was a-blowin' and I didn't make it all the way to the top...but maybe next time.

Yeah this is me. I was commanded to wear the helmet for fear of falling rocks. Thats comforting.

My last discovery is that it officially sucks choosing from 2 really good things. There seriously is nothing worse. I have never been so confused in my life. You always think of how great it would be to have lots of options to choose no. That is false. It is hard hard hard. I would post pictures along with this little discovery but something inside me tells me that might be kind of wrong?? Maybe thats just me...

Tuesday, May 6, 2008


10 years ago: I was 11 and living the life of a big 6th grader. My best friends were Janelle Carr and Bradee Markham and I was "going out" with Mike Schwab. We were so in love we barely talked but we did dance at the 6th grade dance. How romantic.
5 years ago: I was 16 and a sophomore in high school. My best friends were Lauren Hunt and Carol Davis. I was loving dancing on the drill team and loving Luke Johnson...too bad he had a girlfriend.
5 months ago: I was finishing my first semester at the U, Kari got married and Christmas was a-comin'.

5 things on my to do list:

1. clean my room/bathroom

2. work out

3. decide where I want to volunteer this summer

4. decide when I'm going to get my dang CNA

5. figure out when I should be taking the GRE...maybe that should be higher on my list...

5 snacks I love: kettle corn, 100 cal oreos, twix, chips and salsa, anything choco

5 things I would do if I were suddenly a billionaire: shop until I drop, pay off all my family's debt, buy me a sweet ride, send Jenna to fulfill all her crazy dreams annnnnd give some serious dough to charity.

5 of my bad habits:

1. using chocolate to ease my pain

2. not standing up for myself/telling people how I really feel

3. procrastinating

4. staying up really late when I have important things in the morning

5. letting my room become a disaster when I am stressed/busy with school

5 places I have lived: the house down the street I grew up in, BYU's Heritage Halls (that was an experience), The Crestwood, my cousin's condo and the house my fam lives in now. ALL in Murray, Provo and Orem. I love Utah.

5 jobs I have had:

1. cashier/pretzel maker at Ken Price Baseball field, loved it! I met so many men at the age of 15.

2. old navy

3. gap

4. manager/chef at my cousin's store Pudding on the Rice

5. PSR at IHC North Orem InstaCare and now IHC Mountain View Pediatrics

5 things people don't know about me:

1. my life is too lame for a blog

2. I rule

3. I have issues

4. if I leave my cell phone at home for an hour I feel sooo disconnected

5. I have a gift --- I procrastinate all things school and still manage to do pretty well

now its time for meeee to tag??? I tag you Amanda. that is all.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

lucky you.

Since I am new to this whole blog thing, I decided to help you get to know me a little better by sharing a few of my "talents" with you. Feel free to mock as you please.


there are no words to describe how amazing my singing is.
we love to sing in rounds.

yeah.....we're a pretty big deal.

"disco skating"
disco skating is all the rage these days, let me tell you. I worked for weeks on this trick. holla at me.

This one is true talent. Being a sickie. It just comes natural.