Sunday, July 11, 2010

sunday edition.

hello hello! i hope you are all having a delightful weekend. i'm feeling a little down because my hubs is currently on his way back to st. george for the week. but i'll be okay, i'm one busy little bee trying to finish up my last 4 weeks of school.

plus i've found a few things that have cheered me up a bit! real simple just sent me their daily recipe email and to my delight it contained a recipe for the ice cream cake pictured above. doesn't it look delicious? can you tell i'm on an ice cream kick? i'm going to try it with butterfinger....or maybe snickers. yum.

so you think you can dance is now on hulu! for a girl who doesn't have a tv, this a dream come true. ike watched an episode with me earlier today and i remembered how much i miss dancing. i'm determined to start dancing again once i'm done with school. i'll be a total spaz, but whateves.

and lastly, i'm going to take a nap right now. and that always makes me feel better. adios amigos.