Friday, January 29, 2010

i'm here to unload.

today i've been cooped up in our apartment all day. i've recently caught isaac's terrible cold and it has knocked me out. and on top of it i have mounds of homework. let it be known, third semester of nursing school sucks/rules. i love my pediatric class/clinical and community class/clinical but hate my policy class, mostly because of the gigantic paper that is due on monday. there is nothing i hate more than writing papers.

other thoughts...

i have gone through an entire box of tissue in one day. have you ever had a cold where you feel like your nose is constantly running so you grab a tissue and then there is nothing there? drives me nuts. oh, and one nostril is all stuffed up and the other isn't? why!!!

i always think skipping school and staying home all day cuddled on my bed sounds so nice but then when i actually do it i hate it. i get so claustrophobic and have to flee to my icy deck for fresh air.

isaac and i had a pizza party tonight and watched whip it. loved it. oh, and i made cupcakes but by the time it was time to frost them i was too tired. maybe tomorrow.

did i tell you isaac and i are now our ward librarians?! cool huh. if you need some scriptures or some copies made, we're all yours.

on wednesday i got to help place a PICC line in a little tiny 29 day old babe. it's a pretty invasive procedure but guess what we used to sedate her? this sugar water stuff called sweeties that the babes can't get enough of. we just put some on her binkie and it calmed her right down. she held still for the whole procedure, it was amazing. i love babies.

again: writing nursing policy papers suck. actually, all papers suck. i hate writing. if i ever consider graduate school i'm going to have to find my way back to this post to remind myself how much i hate writing and then maybe i'll reconsider.

thanks for letting me rant. i needed it.

this weekend is full of nursing policy for me, but i hope yours is fabulous!