Thursday, December 9, 2010

little snowman.

every year on our thanksgiving weekend in park city i buy an ornament for our tree at this little boutique called pine. it's a new favorite tradition of mine, and i love my little sparkly snowman. slowly but surely my tree will be filled with ornaments with little stories behind them. love it.

i am full to the brim with christmas cheer. our tree is up, our twinkle lights are glittering in our windows, the gifts are wrapped and under the tree, and my need to bake is growing by the day. i have a list of at least 20 recipes i plan on whipping up in the next 16 days. i reaaaally want to make them all. i keep making random trips to target to pick up more butter, cream, peppermint extract, almond bark, ghirardelli chocolate chips --- you know, the essentials.

i went to sweet tooth fairy with my girlfriends yesterday and got the most delicious peppermint cupcake. i was in heaven. want to know a secret? it is a dream of mine to work there. i went to college for 5 years and my dream is work in a bakery. actually, let me rephrase that. my dream is to own my own bakery that makes such delicious, beautiful treats. someday, someday.

how are you getting ready for christmas? any delicious recipes i must know about? please share!