Thursday, June 17, 2010

My favourite rose and Eating art

For me, summer means rose. I start drinking it around April or May, on warmer days, to remind myself that summer is coming, and don't stop til October. That way, the great British summer feels as long as it possibly can

I want to tell you about my favourite rose so far this year, which I get from my usual wine shop in Old Street. I fell in love with it immediately, as it was unlike any other rose I have tried. With men, my life has shown this to be a bad tactic, which I wouldn't recommend to anyone. Yet with wine, it hasn't let me down yet... therefore please meet the charming Chateau Larroze 2008

This isn't a fruity rose, it's rather complex and unusual, and I'd say it would go well with equally intense and perhaps garlicky fish and vegetable dishes, as well as tangy goat's cheese. I know it's weird to call a rose "intense", that it's a word reserved for red wine, but I don't care, there is something intense about this rose. It's also a bit farmy, and a bit flowery. And there stops my trying to describe it how it tastes - you just need to go and try it!

As you can see up there, the colour isn't exactly pink either, it's more like a "coppery peach" I have decided

The other thing I would like to mention is my current obsession with a programme called "Eating Art", which you can watch on Sky Player. I am rewarding myself at work with these - so I watch one a day, after some part of my job which I don't particularly enjoy doing - they've been great motivation! I haven't watched them all yet, but so far "Square Meal", which talks about Cubism's relationship to food, has been the best in my opinion. I always had a feeling that art and food were in linked in some inexplicable way, and now here we have it - proof! Though, as it turns out, it is actually perfectly explicable