Friday, September 24, 2010

a happy list for the weekend.

just a few things that are sure to make me happy this weekend...

1. date nights with my lover man.
2. baking my first batch of pumpkin mini muffins this season.
3. my new favorite workout dvd - love love love it. so fun.
4. an autumn drive up the canyon to see the first leaves changing.
5. finding my halloween decorations - they're hidden in our garage...

weekends without school are wonderful, i really never knew the joy that could be had free of the stress of studying 7 days a week. it's pure magic. and there will be no more of these conversations...

i: "hey em, want to go to a ___________ {concert, party, movie, etc} tonight?"
e: "i can't...i have a huge __________ {test, project, presentation, etc} tomorrow!"
i: "booooooooooooooooo."

feels good.