Wednesday, October 13, 2010

News from the Restaurant

What an interesting year!

The world cup has come and gone. We have had media clamping, “Pigspotter”, Lady Gaga’s Heritage dress (!) not too mention the daily inns and outs of running a successful business!


So as we constantly re evaluate that which makes our business tick, we can say with absolute clarity that we have learnt a lot this year.
From a Networking perspective we have focused a lot of finance. Perhaps due to the ever practical nature of running a business, but also from a global perspective. Keeping up with trends, and putting what we have learnt into practice.
From a restaurant perspective, but also from a personal one, both Melanie and I are serious about our environmental impact.

We recycle and have implemented many changes over the last few years at Avontuur.
With this in mind we would like to end off our networking year with food for thought, by branching out a little into the dramatic, satisfying and very practical world of recycling.

Our next Breakfast club speaker is Life Coach and editor of “The Green times” Elma Pollard .

Elma Pollard, editor of the Green Times online newspaper, has been an active environmentalist, eco journalist and eco trainer for the past 20 years. Believing in thinking globally and acting locally she started a recycling depot at the Stellenbosch Night Shelter in the early nineties and trained teachers across the Western Cape in Integrated Waste Management.

 She has written extensively about going zero waste and talks weekly on Matie FM as their resident green guru on Calling Dr. Greenthumb, as well as many green talks on RSG. As a life coach she believes in realising your dreams and following your passion, no matter what. Read her stories for a cool Earth at

Date: 10 November  2010
Time: 8.30
Investment: R100

This is certainly a current topic. A vital topic. Become empowered. Recycle!
We are now on Facebook. You will find current news, recipes, interesting info, snippets of talks etc.

Best wishes

Zunia Boucher-Myers and Melanie Paltoglou
The Avontuur Estate Restaurant, R44, Somerset West,
021 855 4296