Thursday, October 7, 2010

Juicing for the health of it!

Do you wake up tired? Bloated? Depressed
Do you suffer from hay fever or migraines…?

If you can answer yes to any of these questions, your body is telling you it is stressed and your liver is overtaxed.

You need to juice.

A few weeks ago I addressed 400 women on the benefits of juicing.
Did you know that if you juice regularly you are 6 x less likely to get Alzheimer’s? That almost every stress related symptom can be alleviated if you juice?

What is juicing and who will benefit?

Juicing is exactly that, juicing raw fruits and vegetables and EVERY ONE can benefit. From infants to the elderly, and every one in between.

The most important and most often overlooked organ in our bodies is our hardworking liver.
All the above symptoms that we put down to our stressful lives would be greatly reduced if our livers were not under constant attack by our dietary choices. As well as our need to relax and unwind we often over indulge in alcohol too.

When our livers are working optimally we feel revitalized and energized. Exactly as we should be feeling. Unfortunately we have grown used to our sluggish metabolisms and lack of energy. Believing it to be the norm and acceptable.

Most of us live harried lives. Time is precious and we want results and we want them now.

Optimal health is within your grasp the minute you start juicing.

Why is juicing better than eating raw fruits and veggies? The answer lies in the fact that the molecular structure, vitamin composition and enzymes, of whatever you are juicing are not altered when you juice. The body can immediately begin digestion as it enters your bloodstream in almost its purest form. Unlike chewing an apple, the digestion time is much longer as it has to be chewed, swallowed and then digested.

Health benefits include anti-aging, potentially alleviating depression, free radicals are combated, cellulite is diminished and there is a lot of new research on the benefits of juicing and cancer.

Babies with cradle cap or colic can have pure carrot juice added to their bottle.(not more than 3 teaspoons) It will not harm them and it will heal the infant.

There are many amazing combinations that are specifically targeted at certain health issues such as shingles, migraines, kidney stones and even Candida. Recipes will follow at the end of the post.

Can it be harmful? Everything in moderation is always good advice and obviously if you are not well you need to get professional guidance.

How do you juice?

Ideally one would use organic produce. If finance is an issue, then ensure that you scrub your vegetable and fruits well.
Depending on the type of juicer you own, you can chop up your fruits/veg and simply juice away.

The best time to consume your juice is first thing in the morning, on an empty stomach.

Remember that you should not be juicing more than you are going to drink.
Fresh juice oxidizes very quickly and loses its power packing charm. If you  make more than a few glasses make sure that your juice is kept in a glass container that is airtight.

Some juicers are very powerful and you can add whole fruits etc. If you are very serious about detoxing and juicing, then you would need to get one that can juice wheatgrass.
Wheatgrass is on a whole different level and requires a blog of its own!

Most of the bigger home stores sell juicers as do better health shops. “Go Natural” near Builders Warehouse sell a variety of health products as well as juicers.

Juicing is for the whole family, in my home my 88 year old father and 10 year old son have benefited greatly from fresh juices.

Cheers! Here’s to your health and a whole new world of juicing!


Fat burners:
Cumin, coriander, ginger, allspice, cardamom and cinnamon can all be added to your choice of ingredients.

Water retention:
8 asparagus stalks
8 large green and yellow leaves curly endive
2 celery stalks
1 cucumber
2 carrots

6 carrots
1 small beetroot
half a lemon
6 radishes
5 Granny smith apples
2 beetroots
small knob of ginger

4 carrots
2 cabbage leaves
2 broccoli florets
4 radishes with green tops
1 clove garlic 
1 beetroot
2 stalks celery
1 cucumber
1 bunch of sunflower sprouts
6 carrots
1 red beetroot
1 celery stalk
1 bunch sorrel
2 cabbage leaves, cauliflower, broccoli or mustard leaves
1 clove garlic
1 bunch red grapes
2 apples
1 lemon, scrape away oily peel. Juice whole lemon
1 large bunch fresh borage herbs with flowers
1 medium fennel root
1 mango

Rhody Lake “Liver cleansing handbook”
Siegfried Gursche : Juicing for the health of it”
Various internet sights.