Sunday, July 26, 2009

i say happy you say birthday.

isaac's birthday was so much fun! so much fun i thought it was mine at times. i planned and planned his gifties out perfectly. first and foremost, the beach cruiser!! on thursday night we went out with my parents to happy sumo and guess what was waiting for him when he got home...the jaguar! lets be honest, it was kind of a gift for myself as well as isaac, but now we can ride our bikes together!
looking suave on the jag.

off he goes.

on friday, ike's bday, we both took work and school off and played all day. we slept in and i woke up before him and very quietly made him a surprise breakfast. then we made our first trip to our pool!
this is where we live. and swim.

ike with his favorites, otter pops and the sun.
then we were off to park city! it just so happened that g love and special sauce, one of isaac's favorite bands (and now mine) were playing at harryo's in park city on his bday! such a gift.
we love pc. before this we went shopping at the outlet mall and each got a little giftie! i love bdays.
the party place.
after dinner i had to have a treat so we made a quick stop at cow's for ice cream. delicious.
ryan and erin celebrated with us, we love them.
kalai opened for g love. you go kalai.
g love himself.
sooooooooo amazing and talented. this was one of my favorite concert ever. we were so close we touched his hand!
on saturday morning we headed up to fairview to continue the birthday fun. we met isaac's parents for lunch and had a yummy meal.
our new friends!one of the cupcakes i made him. isaac picked these flowers for me while i was napping!
after my long nap isaac and i took a picnic over to our favorite garden. we had capri suns and everything.
bday boy.
on sunday we went to my parent's house for dinner and to have one last bday party.
for ike's final surprise i re-created his favorite dessert from outback steakhouse. vanilla ice cream rolled in toasted coconut + warm brownies + hot fudge + strawberries = pure bliss.

it was a fun weekend to say the least. this boy is spoiled don't you think.