Edward Anthony Mason Cullen's birthday is June 20th, 1901. He's a gemini. The fact that I know this may perhaps make you aware of how much I LOVE the Twilight series. And possibly makes me appear a little sad.To celebrate Edward's 109th birthday what else could I do but bake cupcakes!
I had seen quite a few Twilight cupcakes on line including Not Quite Nigella’s lovely red velvet apple shaped ones. I opted to make an apple cupcake base using a slightly adapted apple cupcake recipe I found on The Cookery Angel’s website. I made 12 in all and covered the ‘apple’ shaped ones in plain vanilla frosting and lashings of red sugar (which just refused to stick which is why my apple is a bit white in bits), and the normal ones in caramel vanilla frosting. Both were luscious to look at and to taste – just as I imagine Edward would be (sorry sometimes I just can’t help it).
Taking the photographs proved quite difficult. As you’ve probably already gathered I’m not a professional photographer. We tried several variations of the now-infamous ‘Twilight hand pose’ using a large sheet of black card as our background but it was very difficult to hold the card, hold the cupcake and make sure it was being held properly (which as you can see we failed at!). Also the person in the original picture didn't have fat wrists or tattoos! So, after a while we gave up and took the photos below - which I really rather like, even if the focusing is a bit pants! The second one has some glitter on it so it sparkles, just like Edward *sigh*

apple cupcakes with caramel frosting - the cases are by Martha Stewart and have skull and cross bones on and say 'beware' and 'poison'. You can see pics here
I should really have baked some more tonight to take to the midnight showing of Eclipse tomorrow night although I think I'll be too excited during the movie to eat!!