i am feeling happy today. i had another rough start to my week {2 disabling migraines on tuesday/wednesday, praise the lord for imitrex} but i survived. it's beginning to feel surreal when i think of how close i am to finishing nursing school. i have been a student forever, i hope my transition into the professional {adult} world goes smoothly. i have a list of hobbies i am going to get back in to that i've neglected during my 5 years of college - dancing, exercising regularly, learning to sew, rollerblading!, reading lots and lots of books, spending long nights with my best girlfriends, and of course trying lots of new recipes. oh i get so excited just thinking about the possibilities!
this weekend is a holiday in utah and i can't wait! i have tomorrow off and my mom is throwing a big party full of yummy food and family. and fireworks! i'm assigned to bring cupcakes {of course} and my mom has requested red velvet. and we all know you can't go wrong with red velvet! and i'm thinking i might also make cupcakes for all the fabulous nurses i've been working with this summer. sunday is my 2nd to last day and i need a good way to thank them! plus it would give me the perfect reason to fill this up with cupcakes!
i hope you have a yummy weekend!