Monday, March 21, 2011

A delicious "broke-ass" meal

I am truly terrible with money - every month I work out my finances and it all seems fine, and every month there's a at least a few days where I am completely and utterly broke, and end up putting random meals together from whatever I have in the cupboards. Mostly, it's nothing to write home about, but a couple of days ago there was an exception. I can't believe how amazingly delicious my "broke-ass meal" was! What I found in the cupboards were the following:

2 shallots
garlic clove
bit of fresh ginger
tin of tuna
season all
dried thyme
fish sauce
(black) buckwheat
black pepper
Bit of tomato puree
Bit of hot pepper sauce
Knob of butter
Olive oil
(I also bought) 1 courgette

And this is what I created

I chargrilled the courgette first on the open stove first, then added it, chopped to the frying shallots, garlic and ginger before sticking all the other ingredients in, bar the butter and buckwheat - simples. The buckwheat is Polish "kasza gryczana", which is very popular in Eastern Europe and difficult to find in the UK, but you could use other types of grain. The traditional way of cooking the black buckwheat was to wrap it up like a baby and put it under a pillow to steam for about forty minutes, but I just cook it like rice, then stick some butter in at the end

Next month I am set to be even poorer than this month, because yesterday Anna and myself went on a quest for the "summer look". As usual, Anna found nothing she wanted and I fell in love with something I can't afford. Is £300 too much for a cardigan? You should see this one though! I have asked them to put it aside until payday for me. I will probably spend a month sitting at home twiddling my thumbs, eating bread and drinking water, but what can I do? I'm just not the sort of person to deny my feelings...