hooray for the first day of autumn! it is so fabulous here in utah and i can't wait for it to start cooling down so i can start bundling up. my absolute favorite thing about it getting cooler is going to hatch family chocolates for the most delicious hot chocolate in the world. literally.
the past few days i have been on such a high with passing the nclex and starting my new job. i am so happy. my first two days on the unit were great, everyone was so excited i got hired and so helpful when i had questions. it just feels right, and for that i am so grateful! today i have the day off, so i'm planning a little me time {glee and giving myself a mani/pedi}, cleaning my house {i've seriously been neglecting it due to the massive amounts of studying i was doing}, baking a fall treat of some sort, and putting up my fall/halloween decorations! ha, i hope it's not too early...