yesterday after spending the morning in class for work and then lunching with my bff, i got a very strong craving for chocolate. i debated going to sweet tooth fairy for a cupcake but then i remembered the see's candies gift certificate my mom gave me last christmas. i drove to the mall as fast as i could and picked out a whole pound of chocolate. yum. i felt rather piggish telling the lady helping me "i'll have two orange creams, and two of those apple pie truffles, oh and..." on and on until my box was full. this experience totally reminded me of a favorite 30 rock it.
i woke up extra early this morning to try and get some things done - i'm working a night shift tonight and i need a good long nap before i go in. i figured waking up at 7 would give me plenty of time to get all my stuff done before i plan on sleeping all afternoon! oooh night shifts...i do not love them. mainly because they don't allow me to hang out with one of my best friends --- sleep. good thing i have my chocolates to keep me awake all night!