So the world cup has started and as I type I can hear the England match in the background and although its sunny the park outside is empty but who really cares about overpaid men running around a pitch when you can instead partake of world cup cupcakes!
First up, and my favourite sounding, is a massive selection of world cup flavours from Lola's. They have developed a flavour for each team playing in the tournament which will be in store the days that team plays. You can check the fixtures here. England's flavour is sticky toffee pudding, and I must go on a day when Portugal are playing as Pasteis de nata sounds divine, as does the Argentinian dulce de leche. Actually they all sound too good to miss so I'll probably be heading down to Selfridges a few times over the next few weeks! Whilst I'm there I can pick up a football themed cupcake pop by Mollybakes as well.