yo. i just finished another shift and i'm feeling pretty good about my nursing skills. go me. let's just hope i get a job where i'm interning because i don't want to start all over again at another hospital. and i don't want to work with adults. please no. anyways...i'm supposed to be writing a paper for a presentation tomorrow and i'm just not feeling it. gaaaaah. only 8.5 more weeks. hubs and i are counting down, because let's be honest...i'm kind of a mess. if i don't get enough sleep i get all emotional and grumpy and am no fun to be around. and i married the happiest, sweetest man who handles stress like a champ and he is always so nice to me...i'm working on it. i do not want his nicknames for me to stick. nicknames like turd pants or t.p. for short. not great. so here's to managing my time and getting enough sleep...aka being a nice girl.
and i want my hair to look like this. are these things too much to ask for?! i think not.
and i want my hair to look like this. are these things too much to ask for?! i think not.