it's monday people, and i only have 5 more mondays until i'm done with nursing school. doesn't that seem close?! aaaaaahh it just feels like forever. i worked 53 hours at the hospital this week and i am dead tired. and today i start another clinical rotation - psychiatric nursing! i'm nervous. but i'm really excited about the site i'll be at and will hopefully learn a lot about children with mental health issues.
guess what! mr. isaac westwood came home on saturday night and i spent approximately 1.5 hours with him before we crashed in bed, i got up at 4:30 am to go to the hospital, and he jetted back to st. george for more business until thursday. can you believe it?! i miss him so much when he's gone. luckily i have school to keep me busy and i'm having a girls night tonight with my best girlies! i'm so excited, i haven't had a night with them in so long. isaac will be back for the 4th of july weekend and i can't wait. we have some fun plans in the works. i can't wait to go to our cabin, do sparklers and fireworks, and eat yummy food. i gotta get planning the treats i'll be making!!
what are your plans for the 4th?!