Owner JoAnn Baylor originally hails from Mississippi, and the cakes do seem to subscribe to the laws of Southern cookery--that is to say, don't skimp on butter or sugar; use fresh ingredients; and--very importantly--make 'em pretty. These are not necessarily subtle cakes--but they are good, with light (almost springy) cake which somehow still manages to be very rich, moist and buttery, and thick, dense, frosting with a touch of "bite" to the texture. And sweet. In fact, just as we remembered it, so sweet that it would be overkill to add sugar to your coffee. To some, this may sound like a bad thing. Fair enough, although we can't say we understand you.
You can read more about their visit here. Doesn't the shop look adorable!!!? I cannot wait to go there!! I'm sure Manny'll want to check if their gorgeous voluptuous baker lady logo is based on anyone working there ;)
Thanks to Cakespy for the picture of the cupcake - there are some pics of the store/interior on their Flickr.