Cakespy decided to something cute (in their words "touchy feely") about the fact that sometimes life sucks..long commutes; waiting in line; dealing with rude people; being broke...I'd personally add having a cold that NEVER goes away (possibly due to long commutes and people with not enough manners to cover their hand when they cough/sneeze on me..hmmm), but all in all, I'm with Cakespy, sometimes life does suck.
So what to do? If you're me - eat a cupcake, if you're Cakespy, bake a load of cute plaster of paris cupcakes and leave them inspirational messages around the neighbourhood - how sweet! You can see more pics and read what happened here.
This reminds me of our good old UK version, The Great Cake Escape. I've still not managed to get to one of their events, or find a cupcake, but they're going to be at the Amersham Arms pub on the 7th Feb so I may try and get along then, although I aim to be in Richmond as its Outsider Tarts cupcake day and I'll miss March as I'll be in NY so am planning a pre-birthday treat from my fave cupcakers!
Thanks to Cakespy for the pics and the cuteness!