dear amanda + aj,
i loved your best of 2008 posts.
favorite shampoo/conditioner: scruples white tea. it is pure magic. who knew white tea loved hair so much. it is pretty pricey, but if you get it on sale/your bff malorie gives it to you for christmas, you're in business.
favorite hair product: la looks curl gel. it gives my hair its curly bouncy goodness for only $1.94 a pop.
favorite beauty product: mac mineralize skinfinish. gives my skin a light shimmer polish. also the sonia kashuk powder brush is the nicest, softest brush ever and its from the one and only target. i love you target.

revlon lipgloss = the best. i have it in multiple colors and love it. no stickiness whatsoever.

maybelline sky high curves: it really curls my lashes without an eyelash curler. greatest grocery store mascara.
favorite perfume: mochino funny.
favorite must have of all time: burt's bees lip balm. so minty and fresh. isaac got me addicted and i love it because it reminds me of him.
favorite store: nordstrom. all you could ever need in one store. seriously. food and everything.
favorite jeans: "lindsey" skinny jeans from forever 21. best $12.50 jeans ever. and they fit as well as my designers.
favorite shoes: my sugar boots. i cannot live without boots in this icy weather. these boots go with everything and i get so many compliments. i also have them in a black/blue/gray floral print.
favorite restaurant: i picked 2 because i love food so much. first, market street grill. best prime rib/salmon/bread/salad/dessert in town. location of the biggest celebration of my life: our wedding dinner.

happy sumo. isaac and i love this place. we would eat here 2+ times a week if we could.
favorite movie: twilight. that edward gets me every time.

favorite tv show: 30 rock hands down. i laugh so hard every episode.
tina fey + tracey morgan + alec baldwin = hilarious.
favorite book: fast food nation. i read it for a health economics class and loved it. i learned so many cool facts. did you know that the average american drinks 56 gallons of soda a year, roughly 600 12 oz cans. holy cow people. did you know that 4-5 fastfood workers are murdered on the job each year. did you know that the average american eats 30+ pounds of french fries each year. again, holy cow people. thank goodness i'm not average. if you are at all interested in nutrition, this is a must read.
favorite thing to happen in 2008: i met this boy. best thing to ever happen to me.

i love you 2008.