And I shall be in NEW YORK!!!!!!!!!!!! As you can tell I'm rather excited about it - and have been since I booked the trip :) Poor Manny's been putting up with my constant counting of the days and bombarding him with places to visit (mainly food/cupcake places I have admit!).
Blondie and Brownie's blog has been one of the many fantastic sources of great cupcake places in NY that I plan to visit. At the moment my list is nearing 40 cupcake places but I think we may have to chop that down a bit - we're only there for 8 days! This is where lists such as Blondie and Brownie's round up of the best cupcakes of 2008 REALLY helps me!
It's just a pity we can't taste some of their own baked cupcakes - I know Manny would love to taste the Elvis one (bottom pic) complete with bacon 'sprinkles' but thankfully Batch are serving some bacon ones at the moment so fingers crossed he'll get his bacon cupcake fix...shudder
The top pic is Crumbs' Baba Booey cupcake complete with peanut butter cream cheese, chocolate cake and frosting, and peanut butter chips.
Thanks to Blondie and Brownie for the pics!