don't these cookies look delicious! i made them for some of my nursing school friends as a little goodbye gift and they turned out just lovely. i think i'll make some again this weekend to take visiting teaching. nothing like a little treat to brighten someone's day. i posted the recipe over at just cook already, go take a looksie.
this morning i did the best workout with my mom. it's called the tracy anderson method mat workout and it is killer. i've been pretty lazy with my workouts this summer so it kicked my butt, but i'm determined to get it down. isaac is out of town working and i've been struggling with some major migraines so i've stayed at my parent's house the past few nights. it's just like old times, home with my siblings all day. as much as i love hanging with them, i miss my husband like crazy. i love our little life together and can't wait for him to get his butt home!
have a fabulous weekend!