lately when i go to get dressed in the morning i want to die. i am sooo sick of my wardrobe. and winter has only just begun! so i went on over to to see if i could find some cheap pick-me-ups and it did the job nicely.

i have been looking for the perfect flannel top and i found
this beauty for only $12.50!

pumps are perfect. all the pairs i currently have seem to be dating fast.

this is my favorite shape of
shades. i only buy my sunglasses at f21 because i lose/break them so much and since they're only $5.80 i can get a few different styles each year guilt free.
i love
sweaters. i can't wait until this slouchy number comes in the mail!

i already have 2 pairs of these
jeans and i rave about them. how can you argue with great fitting skinnies that only cost $12.50. seriously, you can't.

turquoise has always been a favorite color of mine, i can't wait to paint my nails with
it felt good to do a little retail therapy and boost my wardrobe a bit. it is necessary every so often don't you think?!
where is your favorite place to find a steal?