our little getaway was perfect. ike and i both got a chance to forget about school and work and just relax. i love vacations that allow some relaxation.

we drove down on thursday night and saw this magical rainbow! it was the biggest i had ever seen. so big i couldn't get the whole thing with my camera.

friday morning we slept in and went and had a late lunch at the egg and i. i was a little weary at first because i don't
love eggs, but of course they had lots of delicious things on their menu.

i love him. and take lots of pics of him like this.

this hot choco was top notch.

my aunt and uncle let us stay at their very fabulous condo for the weekend and we loved it. i think isaac and i should invest in one in our future.

after breakfast we hit the pool for the afternoon and swam for a few hours. we had it all to ourselves, it was fun actually swimming instead of laying out. laying out is overrated.

for dinner we went to our fav, in and out! i was really hungry and made the mistake of thinking that i could eat a
double double. oh boy was i wrong. i ate like 4 bites and was done. too much beef. but still yummy as ever.

after dinner we did a little adventuring and went climbing on the red rocks.

st. george is the perfect place to come hang out and eat yummy food. we had a really fun first day and hit the sack early to prepare us for our day in vegas...more to come!