tomorrow is my last day of my first semester of nursing school. 25% done. i love it so much but i am soo excited for my 2 week break.
these are my really exciting plans:
1. get my hair done - it has been sooo long and its just a big poodle poof on my head
2. change my name on my drivers license
3. go to st. george/vegas with my hubby!
4. deep clean our apartment/organize our giant closet
5. sleep in every day
6. hang with my mom/sis
7. read for fun - i refuse to look at a text book the entire break, you can't make me
8. hang with my friends!
9. bake a bunch
10. have a life
i am just so excited to spend time with isaac without nursing school constantly in the back of my mind. right now i'm supposed to be studying 150+ drugs for my final tomorrow...whoops.
oh, i almost forgot!
i will finally be getting around to posting our wedding photos.
here is a nice little preview...