day 4 of the honeymooner was a blast. we rented a car for one more day and drove up to scuba dive in hanauma bay. ike was such a scuba king. me on the other hand...not a scuba girl. i am so scared of fishies. i creeped around the top of the water and saw a few fishies but thats about all i could tolerate without squealing. unfortunately my digi was still dead so no pics.......
my sweet hubby was making small talk with the guy in subway and found out a costco was really close! so what did he do? he drove as fast as he could and bought me a brand new digi!

hello digi.

we drove back up the shore and stopped at hanauma bay again. we swam in there!

after our road trip we went right back to our hotel, ate some hawaiian food (well, isaac did...i hate it), and crashed in bed. we were pooped.