4 long years after high school i graduated from college. the day was kind of a haze because i didn't sleep well the night before and my wedding was the next day. oh and the fact that i hade to start school again 2 weeks later didn't help. but i graduated!
my dad literally captured every moment. thanks dad.
with the only professor i knew there. weird. but i loved her dearly so i was excited to see her.
love these guys.
and these guys. isaac's mom couldn't be there because she was helping with my wedding flowers. we missed you virlie!
my brothers even came! you know its important when they make a showing. we missed you sister.
and carol! one of my very best friends in the whole wide world. amist the thousands of grads i saw this cutie outside the huntsman center. love her.
i have so much blogging to catch up on!
watch for our 4th of july festivities coming your way.