Why expensive? In the UK the former eaten civet coffee (Paradoxurus hermaphroditus) and out again with stools That were the resource sold at 50 pounds, or Nearly 100 dollars. The Daily Mail reported on its website on Thursday (10 / 4).
Perhaps the origin of coffee Pls I Heard it, the audience will from tremble. But for cafe Peter Jones, is what makes the coffee champion. Sloane Square Cafe in. That sell espresso, Americano and latte with coffee beans from April.
Want to know WHERE Jones get the raw materials That Would make it famous cafes? He Bought a 60 pack exclusive mix and Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee Luwak from Indonesia. These beans are rare, Because the harvest is Less than 200 kg per year.
It is believed, Luwak (civet in Javanese), it cans choose the best coffee beans on Instinct. They chose soft seeds and eat Them, but just the outside That cans be digested, while the rest is disposed of with dirt. The liquid manure That Is believed to Enrich the taste of civet coffee.
Now, customers feel yourself Jones sensation cans That Luwak coffee. While all the profits from sales will from be donated to Cancer Patients.
One customer Jones, Hannah Silver (23) says, "I'm Actually Trying a little worried before, but it turns out I really like. Slightly soil and very soft."
Liputan6.com, Bondowoso: Your coffee enthusiasts, who are not familiar with Luwak coffee. Coffee is expensive and must go through a unique manufacturing process and is inseparable from the role of animal called the civet. Why not, coffee is processed in the stomach mongoose. Yet it is precisely this that makes sense typical Luwak coffee.
Civet, a type of civet is a nocturnal animal or usually active at night. Unlike other types of civet, mongoose bit more pointed snout with the hair white or gray on the forehead and tail are black plain. Age mammals can reach 10 years.
Civet coffee just eat the ripe fruit is perfect. Digestion mongoose is also unique, ie only digest the fruit flesh of coffee. Coffee beans do not go undigested. During his stay in the stomach of the civet, coffee beans fermented and mixed with a number of enzymes in the intestine. About 12 hours after being swallowed, the coffee beans out again. Of course mixed with dirt.
Although originally looked dirty, the seeds of coffee so that's what champions. The price was very high. Currently in the international market price of civet coffee about U.S. $ 100 to U.S. $ 350 per kilogram. Compare with other good quality coffee which can be obtained with the price of 5 dollars per kg. Prices could soar so high also because the supply of civet coffee is still very limited. Only circulating about 500 kg in the international market every year.
Civet coffee powder can not just thrown into the market. This coffee powder must pass a taste test to prove the quality up to its reputation. Testing the so-called cup can only do this test experts who already have certification from international standard coffee research agency.
Civet Coffee Making Process
Luwak coffee-making process. Here is the process of how making Luwak coffee from picking coffee from coffee tree to be eaten and excreted by the mongoose. Civet coffee is coffee beans mature trees are eaten by animals civet (Viverridae) and issued in conjunction with animal feces. In the digestive mongoose, the beans remain intact undigested because of harsh, but undergo a process of mixing and fermentation with other mongoose food.
Luwak coffee-making process. Here is the process of how making Luwak coffee from picking coffee from coffee tree to be eaten and excreted by the mongoose. Civet coffee is coffee beans mature trees are eaten by animals civet (Viverridae) and issued in conjunction with animal feces. In the digestive mongoose, the beans remain intact undigested because of harsh, but undergo a process of mixing and fermentation with other mongoose food.
Civet Coffee Making Process
Luwak coffee-making process. Here is the process of how making Luwak coffee from picking coffee from coffee tree to be eaten and excreted by the mongoose. Civet coffee is coffee beans mature trees are eaten by animals civet (Viverridae) and issued in conjunction with animal feces. In the digestive mongoose, the beans remain intact undigested because of harsh, but undergo a process of mixing and fermentation with other mongoose food.
As an eater of plants, fruits, and flowers, mongoose is an animal that smart to choose foods that are good for her. Thus, the process of fermentation in the digestive mongoose that is what makes the coffee taste is different. The aroma is fragrant and have a bitter taste sour and bitter are more distinctive and special.
Consider the process of making the following Luwak Coffee .. :)
First, the farmers started picking ripe coffee cherries on the tree, which is red.
Second, after the coffee fruit collected, sorted again that it is just fine, because only the ripe coffee cherries (red color) to be eaten civet as food.
Third, the mongoose are welcome to eat the best coffee cherries that have been selected by farmers earlier. Mongoose body will only digest the fruit flesh only, while the seeds will be kept intact when removed back in the form of fecal material.
And fourth, this is the form of the famous mongoose feces, as already mentioned above, the seeds remain intact right? Physically, beans and other coffee can be distinguished from the color and aroma. Yellowish beans and fragrant, while regular coffee beans and less fragrant green.
Fifth, subsequent bean coffee mixed in the stool, separated, collected, cleaned, then dried in the sun, and be famous beans expensive. Certainly, this is the best coffee beans, because only the ripe fruit is selected civet coffee as food.
Steady Luwak coffee drunk without sugar, bitter taste and aroma of coffee is also very pronounced. Luwak coffee sold in Jakarta heard prices around 20 dollars per cup.

Luwak coffee-making process. Here is the process of how making Luwak coffee from picking coffee from coffee tree to be eaten and excreted by the mongoose. Civet coffee is coffee beans mature trees are eaten by animals civet (Viverridae) and issued in conjunction with animal feces. In the digestive mongoose, the beans remain intact undigested because of harsh, but undergo a process of mixing and fermentation with other mongoose food.
As an eater of plants, fruits, and flowers, mongoose is an animal that smart to choose foods that are good for her. Thus, the process of fermentation in the digestive mongoose that is what makes the coffee taste is different. The aroma is fragrant and have a bitter taste sour and bitter are more distinctive and special.
Consider the process of making the following Luwak Coffee .. :)
First, the farmers started picking ripe coffee cherries on the tree, which is red.
Second, after the coffee fruit collected, sorted again that it is just fine, because only the ripe coffee cherries (red color) to be eaten civet as food.
Third, the mongoose are welcome to eat the best coffee cherries that have been selected by farmers earlier. Mongoose body will only digest the fruit flesh only, while the seeds will be kept intact when removed back in the form of fecal material.
And fourth, this is the form of the famous mongoose feces, as already mentioned above, the seeds remain intact right? Physically, beans and other coffee can be distinguished from the color and aroma. Yellowish beans and fragrant, while regular coffee beans and less fragrant green.
Fifth, subsequent bean coffee mixed in the stool, separated, collected, cleaned, then dried in the sun, and be famous beans expensive. Certainly, this is the best coffee beans, because only the ripe fruit is selected civet coffee as food.
Steady Luwak coffee drunk without sugar, bitter taste and aroma of coffee is also very pronounced. Luwak coffee sold in Jakarta heard prices around 20 dollars per cup.
As an eater of plants, fruits, and flowers, mongoose is an animal that smart to choose foods that are good for her. Thus, the process of fermentation in the digestive mongoose that is what makes the coffee taste is different. The aroma is fragrant and have a bitter taste sour and bitter are more distinctive and special.
Consider the process of making the following Luwak Coffee .. :)
First, the farmers started picking ripe coffee cherries on the tree, which is red.
Second, after the coffee fruit collected, sorted again that it is just fine, because only the ripe coffee cherries (red color) to be eaten civet as food.
Consider the process of making the following Luwak Coffee .. :)
First, the farmers started picking ripe coffee cherries on the tree, which is red.
Second, after the coffee fruit collected, sorted again that it is just fine, because only the ripe coffee cherries (red color) to be eaten civet as food.
Third, the mongoose are welcome to eat the best coffee cherries that have been selected by farmers earlier. Mongoose body will only digest the fruit flesh only, while the seeds will be kept intact when removed back in the form of fecal material.
And fourth, this is the form of the famous mongoose feces, as already mentioned above, the seeds remain intact right? Physically, beans and other coffee can be distinguished from the color and aroma. Yellowish beans and fragrant, while regular coffee beans and less fragrant green.
And fourth, this is the form of the famous mongoose feces, as already mentioned above, the seeds remain intact right? Physically, beans and other coffee can be distinguished from the color and aroma. Yellowish beans and fragrant, while regular coffee beans and less fragrant green.
Fifth, subsequent bean coffee mixed in the stool, separated, collected, cleaned, then dried in the sun, and be famous beans expensive. Certainly, this is the best coffee beans, because only the ripe fruit is selected civet coffee as food.
Steady Luwak coffee drunk without sugar, bitter taste and aroma of coffee is also very pronounced. Luwak coffee sold in Jakarta heard prices around 20 dollars per cup.
Steady Luwak coffee drunk without sugar, bitter taste and aroma of coffee is also very pronounced. Luwak coffee sold in Jakarta heard prices around 20 dollars per cup.