Coffee is the most popular beverage in the world today, especially in Europe.
But did you ever drink the most expensive coffee in the world ....?
coffee from our beloved country is Loch ....
Here is a list of most expensive coffee and the most delicious taste in the world.
10. Coffee Yauco Selecto AA, Puerto Rico
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Originally from Yauco area, Puerto Rican coffee is known throughout the world superiority. This coffee is produced in the Southwestern Mountains of Puerto Rico, the coffee is appreciated for its softness of taste. You can enjoy coffee with a price of $ 24.
9. Starbucks Rwanda Blue Bourbon, Gatare / Karengera, Rwanda
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Starbucks coffee beans found in Gatare and Karengera from their visit to a coffee washing station in Rwanda in 2004. Now, Rwanda Blue Bourboncoffee seed planted by farmers as the main crop. You can enjoy coffee with a price of $ 24.
8. Hawaiian Kona Coffee
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Brazil introduced the coffee tree to England that grow in rich volcanic soil Kona at the end of 1820. The climate in the place was suitable for coffee cultivation. This plant is known for convenience and taste, you can enjoy coffee with a price of $ 34.
7. Los Planes - Citala, El Salvador
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Los Planes best grown in El Salvador ranks second in the "The Cup of Excellence 2006". Los Planes had received 93.52% of the 100 international jury for the competition. You can enjoy coffee with a price of $ 40.
6. Blue Mountain, Wallenford Estate, Jamaica
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Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee is known as having a high quality value. It is very popular among coffee lovers mild because the strong flavor and aroma. Japan imports about 85% coffee. You can enjoy coffee with a price of $ 49.
5. Fazenda Santa Ines, Minas Gerais, Brazil
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This type of coffee appears to be the highest in the history of coffee Cup of Excellence. These coffee mugs are available exclusively at specialty stores worldwide. You can enjoy a coffee at a price of $ 50.
4. El Injerto - Huehuetenango, Guatemala
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Types of Coffee El Injerto their origin in the territory of Huehuetenango, Guatemala. This species has been pocketing the first prize in the 2006 Cup of Excellence. You can enjoy a coffee at a price of $ 50.
3.Island From St. Helena Coffee Company - St. Helena
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St. Helena Island, 1200 miles off the coast of Africa are breeding grounds for Coffee St. Helena. Its popularity is now at the Napoleon Bonaparte who praised the coffee sow the seed on the island of St. Helena. You can enjoy coffee with a price of $ 79.
2. Hacienda La Esmeralda, Boquete, Panama
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Hacienda La Esmeralda's Geisha grown in Boquete, Panama has been popular worldwide because of its taste. This is mostly cultivated in the shade of old guava tree. You can enjoy coffee with a price of $ 104.
1. Luwak coffee, Indonesia
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civet coffee is coffee that is produced from coffee beans that have been eaten and passed through the digestive tract of animals called civet. This coffee has been known to overseas. Even in the United States, there is a cafe or coffee shop that sells Luwak (civet coffee) the price is quite expensive. Coffee from civet droppings reached the price of U.S. $ 160.