today was so lovely!
i am loving the spring weather. i finally had a day off of school today and loved it. i finished my pediatrics rotation yesterday (with 3 tests in 5 hours, it.was.terrible.) and will be moving on to maternity next week. i am hoping i love it as much as pediatrics. i just love the babies/kiddies/tweens.
i experienced a few firsts today, i...
made whole wheat yum!! it doesn't even taste different.
said good bye to medicating my tension/stress headaches. i found a book (at the di for $2!) on holistically ending pain and i'm determined to get rid of these dang headaches. i've been having chronic headaches almost every day for quite some time now and have been taking the excedrin and advil so often that they aren't even touching the pain anymore. so i'm saying adios to meds and hello to heating pads, more exercise, relaxation, and a healthier diet. i tend to go long periods of time without eating and then my headaches are even's time to end that terrible habit.
yoga! i bought a new dvd today and just tried it out. my rigid body hasn't stretched like that in a very long time but i'm excited to get some flexibility back and learn to meditate and forget about my worries for a few minutes each day.
i am loving the spring weather. i finally had a day off of school today and loved it. i finished my pediatrics rotation yesterday (with 3 tests in 5 hours, it.was.terrible.) and will be moving on to maternity next week. i am hoping i love it as much as pediatrics. i just love the babies/kiddies/tweens.
i experienced a few firsts today, i...
made whole wheat yum!! it doesn't even taste different.
said good bye to medicating my tension/stress headaches. i found a book (at the di for $2!) on holistically ending pain and i'm determined to get rid of these dang headaches. i've been having chronic headaches almost every day for quite some time now and have been taking the excedrin and advil so often that they aren't even touching the pain anymore. so i'm saying adios to meds and hello to heating pads, more exercise, relaxation, and a healthier diet. i tend to go long periods of time without eating and then my headaches are even's time to end that terrible habit.
yoga! i bought a new dvd today and just tried it out. my rigid body hasn't stretched like that in a very long time but i'm excited to get some flexibility back and learn to meditate and forget about my worries for a few minutes each day.

i'd have to say it's been a pretty successful day.
husband is off dj-ing so i think i'll finish the bachelor finale (i already know who wins, can you say barf!!) and find me a treat. perhaps some cadbury mini eggs...