It's almost Easter, a perfect time of the year to indulge in chocolate as it's everywhere, including my personal favourite the Lindt bunny!
This year while browsing in the John Lewis Easter section I noticed a cupcake Easter egg and kept meaning to blog it. Then I saw it again (and took surreptitious pics again) and meant to blog it- then forgot. I've finally remembered but maybe a bit too late if you've already chosen your egg (and there are so many to choose from!) but thought I'd share anyways.
The eggs are by James' Chocolates and are £9 each. I've seen them in John Lewis only so not sure how widely available they are. They are also available online but might be a bit late for Easter - sorry! I'm Anne and I'm a lazy blogger!
Btw (I know Manny reads this trying to find gift ideas!) I don't want one of these - I'd prefer a bunny :)