Today was the last Saturday of February, and therefore the last day we had to get to Partridge's and sample a Crumbs and Doilies flavour of the month -salted caramel.
We got there a little later than planned due to me trapping 3 fingers in the door on the way out and then having a girlie moment about it (tears were involved..it hurt and still does!) but thankfully they still had a couple of the large salted caramel cupcakes left!
Manny spotted a stall selling some rather tasty looking chocolate goodies, Chez Moi Chez Vous, so we also got one of their chocolate "cupcakes" and then did our usual Partridge's routine - visit the lovely old couple who run the Indian Kitchen stall and get some yummy curry for lunch (I highly recommend this stall!)
We had originally planned to visit the Cupcake Company in Kensington Church Street as well, but the Central Line wasn't working and getting back from Notting Hill (where we ended up) was a pain enough without that - such a shame as we may have spotted Leona Lewis buying cupcakes..whoop-de-do. Also due to a really crap website we weren't even sure if the Cupcake Company were open (is it so difficult to list opening times etc on your site?) so we decided to head home to scoff our bounty with a cuppa!
First, the salted caramel cupcakes. Now I can't make up my mind if I like salted caramel - I like it if it's not too salty - the bacon/salted caramel cupcake we had in New York was wrong in many ways but mainly it was way too salty for my palette and led me to declare "I hate salted caramel" but since eating William Curley's salted caramel chocolates I've gotten a taste for it so was keen to try February's flavour of the month. I'm glad I did - it was gorgeous. Not too salty, but with a slight hint of saltiness in the frosting. The caramel cake was moist and very fresh and the frosting was very moreish. Definitely a winner!
Onto the chocolate "cupcake" from Chez Moi, Chez Vous - first up it really isn't a cupcake. I do wish people would stop calling something a cupcake when it isn't. This was blatantly a brownie in a cupcake case - a very tasty brownie but NOT a cupcake. Also melting a bit of chocolate on top does not frosting make. Manny of course loved it in all its chocolaty goodness, and it was nice, just not a cupcake.
Finally, a reminder that C&D's flavour of the month for March is Hot Toddy;
A spicy cinnamon, lemon and clove infused sponge combined with a delicious Irish whisky buttercream icing. Warming, indulgent and just the thing to see you through the no-doubt dreary British springtime.
Sounds fabulous - I shall be heading down to try one, and have a curry!
Flavours of the month from March-June are now online here.