Norfolk Scone
1 lb. (4 cups) self-raising flour
2 level teaspoons salt
4 oz. (1/2 cup) butter or margarine
2 standard eggs, beaten
1/4 pint (5/8 cup) milk + 4 tablespoons (5 T)
1 oz. (2 T) softened butter or margarine 4 oz. (1 cup) currants
¼ level teaspoon grated nutmeg
4 oz. ( ½ cup) demerara sugar
Pre-heat oven to moderately hot (400°F, Gas Mark 6).
Sift together the flour and salt. Add the butter or margarine. Cut into the dry ingredients with a pastry cutter or round-topped knife then rub in with fingertips. Mix to a soft dough with the eggs and milk.
Turn on to a floured surface and knead lightly. Divide in half and roll each out into an 8 in. circle about 3/4 in. thick.
Lift one circle on to a greased baking tray (sheet) and spread with butter. Mix the currants, nutmeg and three-quarters of the sugar together
and sprinkle over the butter. Place the second circle on top and mark into 10 wedges. Brush with milk and sprinkle with remaining sugar. Bake in the centre of the oven for about 50 minutes. Leave for about 10 minutes, cut into wedges and serve while still warm.