I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that even with a half spoon of vanilla sugar on it my Rude Health Top Banana porridge is way better nutritionally for me than new Cupcake Pebbles cereal from Post.
I was first alerted to the existence of cupcake cereal this morning while checking my Twitter in tweet from Cakespy. Of course I had to find out more and began Googling away. This is my favourite description from Popdose:
but oh my God, you guys, I wish the Web was scratch ‘n’ sniff, because words can’t describe the overpowering blast of cupcakeness that uncoils itself, panther-like, and lodges in your nostrils when you open a box of Cupcake Pebbles. It almost literally punches you in the face. If Betty Crocker and Mike Tyson decided to open a bakery together, I think they would aspire to the visceral scent-clubbing this cereal delivers — it’s so thick, by the time you tear open the bag, you feel like you’ve already eaten several bowls.
But don’t let that stop you from chowing down, because I’m here to tell you that if you’ve ever wished you could eat hundreds of tiny cupcakes in a bowl of cold milk, shoveling them madly into your mouth during the 35 seconds before they get soggy — and who hasn’t? — then Cupcake Pebbles is a dream come true.
Even though I love all things cupcake, I can't say I'm that convinced this cereal will taste good but I may have to ask Ann Arbor Dennis to pick me up a box when he's next grocery shopping just so I can be sure - and the front of the box will look cool in a frame in my kitchen! There is even a recipe on the box to bake your own giant Pebbles cupcake using the cereal, and it being America, a box of cake mix!
Thanks to Popdose for use of the photos and Cakespy (again) for the heads up!