The charming Tea Room at Liberty will be holding a series of ‘Cupcakes and Cocktails’ evenings on every last Thursday of the month, over a six month period, starting on the 28th of May 2009.The evenings will begin with tantalising Belvedere Tea Martini made from our very own selection of fine leaf teas, complemented by a dazzling array of Tea time delights created by our chef. Guests not only will have the opportunity to taste the rarest and most eclectic varieties of teas but also, thanks to the Liberty Beauty Hall, will be able to sample the ‘most wanted’ skincare products from top cosmetic companies.
The events take place the last Thursday of every month, starting May 28th, 6-8pm at the Tea Room at Liberty, Tickets will be priced at £15 per person (including fabulous goody bag!) For tickets and any other enquiries please contact Freya on: Tel: 0207 734 1234 ext 2602, Email: libertyrestaurants@live.com