Ingredients :
Oil for deep fring
Salt to taste
Redchilli powder

You can read more about Rosie's deli cafe here.
Ingredients :
Mangoes : 2 mangoes or 3cups of pulp
Semolina : 1 cup
Sugar : 1 cup
Ghee : 1 cup
cardamom pods : 2
Cakespy describe the tomato cupcake as a pleasant spice cake-y confection--if you didn't know it was made with tomato soup, you probably wouldn't know the source of its je ne sais quoi. The cake was pleasingly moist.
Thanks to Cakespy for the pic of the cupcake!
Thanks to Martha Stewart.com for the pics
I'm particularly impressed with my punked up cupcake which I made all spiky and punky with my white chocolate drops! And if you look closely you can see the dinosaurs trying to escape the pink frosting....I heart fancy sprinkles!
I shall be making another batch tomorrow to give out at the punk rock bingo, so fingers crossed they turn out as tasty!
The events take place the last Thursday of every month, starting May 28th, 6-8pm at the Tea Room at Liberty, Tickets will be priced at £15 per person (including fabulous goody bag!) For tickets and any other enquiries please contact Freya on: Tel: 0207 734 1234 ext 2602, Email: libertyrestaurants@live.com
I'm not sure why they call them fairy cupcakes - some are cupcakes, some are fairy cakes! Good luck if you enter :)