Do you ever have a hankering for a nice, moist, vanilla cupcake with blue frosting and chocolate hearts on it? Or maybe a green tea flavored one with butter cream and sprinkles? Well, too bad you're stuck at work or tied down by one of those crazy cupcakeless diet fads.
But wait, yet another iPhone app comes to the rescue. iCupcake is a new, 99¢ time-waster. It's pretty useless, sure, but you might be able to brighten someone's day by sending your sweet creation to them. If only it transported the real thing, though. [via Cupcakes Take the Cake]
But wait, yet another iPhone app comes to the rescue. iCupcake is a new, 99¢ time-waster. It's pretty useless, sure, but you might be able to brighten someone's day by sending your sweet creation to them. If only it transported the real thing, though. [via Cupcakes Take the Cake]
I've been contemplating getting a new Ipod as mine is ollllld and although it doesn't hold as much songs I am keen on the Ipod Touch...decisions, decisions!