I have wanted to try Fair Cake's cupcakes for some time and on this lovely snowy day I finally got to!!
Shakhita from Fair Cake had emailed me earlier this week to alert me that a new cafe in Greenwich, Biscuit, was selling her cakes at weekends. Unfortunately I couldn't make this weekend but as we had a "snow day" off work today we plodded through the snow to Greenwich Park (via the Deptford Project for coffee and cake for sustenance - I walked over 13 miles so needed it!) and on the way back noticed Biscuit was across the road - we ventured through the slush and wuhu there were cupcakes! I got a vanilla, Manny a chocolate and they were GREAT. Really moist, yummy and full of flavour - the frosting on both was melt in your mouth. My camera seems to have been affected by the cold weather (or my hands were shaking) so the pictures are pants I'm afraid - you can check out some official website pics here to see how great they usually look! This just means that I'll have to go back to get some more cupcakes to get some better pics - also next time they wont be squished in a snowy back-pack on the stomp home!
Shakhita from Fair Cake had emailed me earlier this week to alert me that a new cafe in Greenwich, Biscuit, was selling her cakes at weekends. Unfortunately I couldn't make this weekend but as we had a "snow day" off work today we plodded through the snow to Greenwich Park (via the Deptford Project for coffee and cake for sustenance - I walked over 13 miles so needed it!) and on the way back noticed Biscuit was across the road - we ventured through the slush and wuhu there were cupcakes! I got a vanilla, Manny a chocolate and they were GREAT. Really moist, yummy and full of flavour - the frosting on both was melt in your mouth. My camera seems to have been affected by the cold weather (or my hands were shaking) so the pictures are pants I'm afraid - you can check out some official website pics here to see how great they usually look! This just means that I'll have to go back to get some more cupcakes to get some better pics - also next time they wont be squished in a snowy back-pack on the stomp home!
Also if you're artistic and fancy painting some crockery you can paint your own ceramic cupcake pot at Biscuit!
Finally, if you're in the area go visit the Deptford Project - its fab and the usually have cupcakes but didn't today due to the snow! Our coffees were great, as was our cake - especially Manny's chocolate one which was HUGE and v.yummy!