I can't believe November has come and gone!! Guess where I went on November 22, 2008...

Thanksgiving. Loved you. I had to work in the morning, not great, but after I went and had dinner with my family at my Aunt's house. My cousin came home from Oregon with her sweet babies. I love that baby Max soo so much.

After dinner with my family I met Isaac and his family in Park City to spend the night. Isaac and I went to the outlet mall at like 10:30 pm prior to the midnight madness and a bunch of the stores were open early.
sweet deals + not too many people = jackpot.
The next day we spent the day in Park City shopping and then to SLC to see the lights turn on at Temple Square. Guess who got interviewed to be on TV!!! ME (plus isaac, ryan, and erin). Guess who actually was on TV!! Erin. Yeah, I was a little bummed I didn't get my big break that night...but Erin did a fab job. And guess what actually happened when we were being interviewed. The lights turned on. Yeah. I was so excited to actually be there to see them turn on and then all the sudden I'm distracted by the idea of stardom and the lights come on.
are YOU?