As I had the afternoon off work on Thursday (hurrah for Maundy Thursday - one of the few perks of being a Civil Servant) I popped up town to do some shopping (including fresh turmeric from Chinatown which is much nicer than the dried fusty stuff!) and was planning to grab a couple of cupcakes from Lola's in Selfridges and have a wee cake and coffee for lunch but the cafe was so busy I only got takeaway (Lola's you need more seating!). The main reason for venturing down that far on Oxford St was to get Manny one of the newly launched Gü cupcakes as he's been dreaming of them ever since I first mentioned them. I was horrified to see they'd none on display but thankfully a new box of minis arrived. I got 2 of the Gü's and 2 of the Easter special cupcakes (again in minis - the girl in front of me bought the last two - damn her!) which had a Cadbury's mini Creme Egg baked into the base, with Creme Egg fondant frosting and a mini-Creme egg on top. YUM!

First up the Gü cupcake. Usually I'm not a lover of too much chocolate in a cupcake and I had planned to take a bite for research purposes and give the rest to Manny, but oh.my.god this was lush! The base of the cupcake is a very chocolatey moist brownie with chips of lovely chocolate but it was the frosting that made me go "I ganache Gü " - seriously chocolatey ganache that melted in your mouth and was just totally moreish. I am now won over to the chocolate cupcake and I blame Gü.
The Easter special flavour, which in honour of recent Creme Egg adverts I'm naming the Goo cupcake, had to be good to follow the Gü cupcake, and it really did. I had worried with all that Creme Egg business going on it might be a bit sickly (lets face it Creme Eggs although delish are a little bit sickly) but nope, the Goo cupcake had a lovely chocolatey base with lashings of really tasty Creme Egg fondant on top - in fact it was so lush I wished I got a big Goo one and sent silent curses to the girl who stole the last two from me - although I'm sure the button on my jeans was thinking "hurrah!".
I recommend popping over there on Monday if you fancy trying one of these - and you don't have to brave Oxford Street, you can pop to their newly opened Mayfair branch and have a wander through St James' and Green Park first to work up an appetite.