our third day in hawaii was definitely one of my favs. isaac's parents rented us a jeeper and we drove up to the north shore.
i love the north shore.
first stop: the dole pineapple plantation.
these fish!
i could not get enough of them. they grossed me out so much yet i couldn't stop looking. they had a little vending machine of fish food and i dug around in my purse for a quarter but no quarter was to be found. they were sucking, sucking away waiting for some food and i failed them.
what if you fell in there with these slimey creatures!

*if you remember from my previous hawaii post my camera broke, ike's phone saved the day!

next stop: matsumoto's shaved ice!
this is quite possibly one of my favorite places in the whole wide world. these snow cones are a-mazing. they put ice cream in the bottom and its like no iced treat offered here in utah. trust me, i would know.

we made a stop at the temple and it was beautiful. we toured the visitor's center and guess who gave us the tour! mark eubank, the old weather man from channel 5! yep, retired from reporting the weather and is serving a mission in hawaii. gotta love him.

after our day on the north shore we drove back to honolulu and feasted on hawaiian food.
i miss you hawaii.