So I ventured away from the pink cupcakes this time..well kinda! I still made some pink ones (I can't help it I love pink!) and some yellow and some blue. I was hoping the blue would be kinda pastel blue but it first went kinda concrete grey/blue, then I added some more and it was still kinda blah blue...taste nice though! The yellow isn't too great either - I added quite a bit, and it does look better, in the pic I think my blue walls/black worktops are reflecting a bit and making it appear darker - its quite a vibrant yellow honest! Hope the people at work appreciate my effort!
I also made some brownies, again from the Hummingbird cookbook - they fell apart a bit when I tried to remove them from my stupid new silicone brownie tray but they are perfectly brownie-ish - ie still moist in the middle - however they are way too chocolatey for me - hope Manny is hungry when he gets home! The pic above shows it pre-baking in its full ooey gooey Green and Blacks glory!