yes, 29 days until our wedding. i know you're probably getting sick of me counting down the days but i really can't help it. yesterday we hit our one month mark and we are so freaking excited. seriously, freaking is the only word to describe how excited we are.
wedding showers.
my conclusion after having 2 so far: love them.
it is so fun to mingle with friends and open gifts for our new home! speaking of new home...we found a place to live!! it is so so nice and such a great location.

here are some pics from my first shower with friends from my old ward. please look at that delicious cupcake! they were given out as favors and i couldn't have been more pleased, i love cupcakes. especially pink ones. janelle, my friend since childhood came even though she had a baby shower around the same time - it was so fun to see her fab pregnant self. its hard to believe we're old enough to be getting married and having babies!
i love him times a trillion.
i heard on npr that it would take 34 years to count to a trillion.
try it.