I am a stress ball right now.
School is already killing me and I haven't even hit midterms yet. Barf bag. I spent 7 hours in class today and now here I am finally updating my blog-a-log. I should be working on my resume but whateves. Life has been going so fab minus the stress. I really do love school, I am learning so much that actually is relative and isn't just bullshiii. Its just sooo time consuming. All I want to do is ride my bike and play with my boyfriend but I guess school is worth it right?? Right.
Here are some fun facts for you. In my health and diversity class we have been learning about cultural diversity, stereotypes and privileges. I have been thinking a lot about are the privileges men are given over women. Now don't get me wrong, I love men. I am not here to bash them. No no no. But I still can't believe it - men make more money than women doing the exact same job with the exact same qualifications, they are promoted more than women and they have more political power. Men are considered more credible than women in a number of fields - finance, sports, business, medicine, law, technology, emotions - the list goes on and on. Emotions! Here's what really makes me mad...when a man is angry, he's angry plain and simple. But when a woman is angry, she's PMSing, she's a crazy biii, etc. Ha! It just blows my mind that when I'm angry - like yelling at my brother (for being his annoying teenage self) - I'm automatically on my period. NO. I'm just angry with you because you're an idiot. Oh man it kills me.
Another really interesting thing we learned about the difference between men and women is that men's number 1 fear about women is that women will laugh at them. Women's number 1 fear about men is that men will kill them. Can you believe that! Laugh versus kill. Yeah. Pretty big difference there. Women are biologically inferior to men because they are physically much weaker and as a result most women live in fear. How many of those email forwards have you received about phone numbers you can call if an unmarked cop car is pulling you over or how to defend yourself if you're being attacked? Too many to count.
Crazy, crazy, crazy.
So there are some fun facts for you to think about.
P.S. I love my 16 year old brother...see...