So last night I had an extremely terrifying moment. I was at work and a patient had just left and we realized they forgot their insurance card so I ran to the back door and opened it in a hurry and the biggest creature hit me right in the face. It freaked me out and I looked around to find the bat or whatever it was that hit was no where to be found. So I went back inside and told my co-worker that "a bat just hit me in the face! or maybe it was a moth..." and she laughed and we continued on. I sat back down to continue my tedious work of making sure flu shots were recorded on patients' records when I felt this twitch at my side by my ribs. I honestly thought my internals were twitching and continued on. Then it happened again and again and I was like "my side feels so weird, it keeps twitching" so I went to rub my side and I hear a crunch sound. It took me a second to realize what it was and I was off. I took off running down the hall while ripping off my jacket yelling "ITS THE BUG!!!!!!!!!!!"

I seriously have never jumped up and dashed so quickly in my life. It was like I was on fire. The doctor and nurse were standing back where I ran and they looked at me like I was crazy. When I ripped off my jacket the bug fell onto the carpet. UGH I have never been so creeped in my life.