ike and i have had quite the week since he has been home from europe.
one word.
isaac tore his meniscus 10 months ago and we were just hoping it would repair itself, but no. so we decided having the surgery was a must before we get married so thursday was the big day.
we got up bright and early and off to tosh we went. we had a few hours in the room before ike went into surgery and we had quite the time. isaac handled the surgery like a pro. when we came into recovery he was so out of it, i loved it. so drugged and sleepy.
sooo this weekend has been full of ike's recovery. he had to keep his knee elevated for 3 straight days so we had lots of fun watching movies, eating grilled cheese and thin mints, and watching amazing wedding cakes on the wedding channel (thanks ike). i don't want to go back to real life. i love having isaac all to myself 24 hours a day.

hello spring break!
our plans for next week:
my wisdom teeth removal.
do you know what i say to that?
no freaking thanks.