The post of all posts is finally here. Don't worry, I just spent the last hour uploading all these pictures for your viewing pleasure. So as many of you know, I went on a little cruise with some of my favorite ladies for a week of sun and relaxation. It was so much fun. I missed my boyf like crazy but besides that...pure magic.

Hello Bahamas. My first time on international land. Sad I know.
We made Brynn a beautiful mermaid. All the drunks ate it right up.
How cheesy am I. But its true, I do.

Isn't this a cool pic with the "Triumph" in the background! Carnival should use us in their ads.

Dinner time was my favorite. You got to order as many appetizers/entrees/desserts you wanted. My dream come true.
Hanging out in the karaoke bar. Yes we got up and sang karaoke and were such stars. In fact, we were known as the Utah Mamas on ship. Yep.
First formal night.

So the photographers on the ship basically forced you to take every picture possible in hopes that you would pay $20 for it and we ate it right up. We took every picture possible and then when they were developed (the developed every single one, such a waste), I took pictures of the pictures with my digi. Sorry Carnival. I owe you...
I'm obviously loving it.
Jamaica was seriously so scary for me at first. So many strangers were trying to take us places. I hated it. We finally got away from them and walked into the city to see what was up. We passed this man...smoking weed. Sketchy.
This is Brynn telling me that maybe I should get something "to calm me down"

We went to a little place called Ocho Rios. That means 8 rivers in case you didnt know...

hahaha...i was so anxious because it was scary!!
But I eventually calmed down...on my own.
We finally found a reasonably priced tour man to drive us around. We all piled into this van...
With this Looks sketchy I know, that's what I said. But don't worry, he was so nice!! His name was Cool Marco and he took such good care of us. He was always telling us to go slowly and be careful. What a sweetie. He pulled out his dreads for us but usually kept them in his hat for business purposes.
Happy to be driven around Jamaica for $10 a piece...or so we thought...
Lookie lookie lookie!
The flea market. I got called "pretty lady" a lot this day. They all wanted me to by their bob marley tees and tanks and statues. Good thing I have a boyfriend who likes bob or else I would not have the experience I have today at haggling their prices down. Go me.
Marco took us to this really pretty botanical garden where we could see everything. It was so pretty.
Love the dreads.
The second waterfall we went to. It was a lot of nature for one day, let me tell you. I was not a fan of the hikes in flip flops but I did it! I was a little nervous about malaria and west nile and when I asked Cool Marco about my chances he looked me like I was crazy...fine.
So these Jamaicans had coconuts for us when we were done at the falls. Of course we tried them because they basically shoved them in our hands. And then they wanted a $1 a piece for trying them. WHAT THE! I was so annoyed because I didn't even like their slimey coconut. I must say I prefer it in dried, toasted form. But of course we coughed up the money. I asked that Jamaican man next to Mal if he had facebook and he looked at me so confused. And then I asked if he had the internet and just laughed and said no. Boo. I wanted to email him this pic.
Look at all these bites!!! I was not wrong for being worried. Not wrong at all.
Hello Grand Cayman.

I loved this island. Our original plan was to take a boat out to Sting Ray Island to swim with the sting rays (I was having a heart attack deep down inside at the thought of a sting ray touching me but I was trying my hardest to be adventurous) but these guys stopped us...
Apparently the sand bar was too high so no swimming with the sting rays for us. Dang...

So we just enjoyed a day on the ocean sunning it up.
The beach on Grand Cayman.
The boring girls on the trip. Jk I was probably the most boring. Actually I know I was. I went out and partied for a bit each night but I just love sleep way too much.
Yello Cozumel!!! This was probably my favorite day on the cruise. We had such adventures.
Like wearing these hats. I would have bought one in second if I had room to take it home with me.
Were we excited to rent scooters and risk our lives driving around Mexico? Why yes we were!
Brynn was not happy about the peer pressure that was being placed on her to rent scooters with us. But I know to this day she will forever be grateful to us for making her, what a day. Traci lectured us so much telling us "if you don't feel comfortable driving a scooter, don't rent one!" over and over...
Ready, set, ride. Too bad it began to pour rain when we started cruisin.
Traci decided to pull over because it was raining so bad and what happens? They stop and the scooter slips on the gravel and down they go. We were laughing so hard. And I know we shouldn't laugh but it seriously makes me laugh to this day because Traci was telling everyone else not to rent one if we were scared we would crash...and then she crashes. We love you Traci. Oh man it was funny. But I am sorry you guys crashed...
Especially since Mal got wounded and the scooter was scratched...yikes.
We had lunch at this crazy restaurant that was like "spring break all year long" according to the 90 year old geezer on our boat who kept creepily hitting on us. Why I didn't get a pic of him is beyond me... Anyway, the waiters here were you can see from the weirdo behind us.
So the waiters sent me this note and said it was from this 13 year old He was so embarrassed. And then the waiters carried him over on his chair and they shoved this heart around our necks. What you can't see is that the heart says "happy sex"...what the???
We then met some friends at this hotel. It was right on the beach and had the sweetest pool.

We loved it.
The sun finally came out and we swam in the ocean!!! My first time ever. I jumped off a high wall and everything. It was so salty. I kept licking my lips and I liked it. Such a fun day!
Me and my sweet sweet magen on the last night. That girl cracked me up the entire trip.

Love her.
So thats the cruise!!! We had so much fun exploring, eating, and just hanging with the girlies! I have many more updates to come...but first you must love on this post. IT TOOK ME FOREVER. Adios.