Lets start with the oldest...Aj's booty romp.

I love this woman so much and I could not be happier to have her home.

This night was SUCH a Murray reunion. I loved it. Here's me with one of my oldest friends, Spency. We were in love in 5th grade and would email via juno.com email addresses. I remember it like it was yesterday --- in one of his emails to me he told me that I could be his girlfriend if I didn't tell anyone. Of course I did it...silly silly me.
These homeless men were the creepsters of the party. Jk this is Dave and Luke trying to look like men. I think they did a pretty good job.

My best friend Lauren. She finally got a digi/blog...I have taught her well.
Isaac the birthday boy!! He turned the big 2-2 and we had so much fun celebrating. I can't wait until his bday again.

We went with his family to Benihanas to celebrate. The ladies that worked there hit a big drum and sang an Asian version of "Happy Birthday". I loved it so much.

The four Russell terrors. Aren't my brothers so cute!!

My sister Jenna loves me...sometimes. Isn't she just gorgeous.
Here's some of the fam going to check out some nature.
In the heart of nature.
Some of the gals --- Grandma, Aunt Diana, me, Mom, and Jenna.

Isaac and Jordan doing ... something ... on the edge.
Me and Lindsey, Jordan's girlfriend. I love her.
So Jordan decided that it would be fun to take a different way back home...not so much. We came upon serious treacherous terrain. This pic does not even give it the treacherous credit it deserves. Oh yeah, and when we made it past miles of this stuff and finally got down the mountain --- 4 hours later --- we were 40 miles from Koosharem. Yes 40. We got so lost! But don't worry, after 8 hours straight on a 4 wheeler we made it back home. And you may not believe this but I loved every minute of it! We saw so many different landscapes - forest, desert, swampish, etc. Isaac and I had a blast.
Jarred's wedding.

All the girls minus Jelissa at the wedding.
This is our attempt to get Sundance behind us but it didn't really work.

Last weekend we took at trip to Isaac's cabin in Fairview and found this snow. In. August. I still can't get over it. This is Isaac gathering up a snowball. Thank you.
We witnessed so many strange things at this concert. For example, the girl sitting next to us starred at us the ENTIRE time and did not pay one ounce of attention to her husband. And then all the sudden she was pulling out a breast pump and using it while continuing to stare at us. So strange.